Can I Wear Makeup After Under Eye Fillers? Complete Guide 2024

Under-eye fillers have become a popular solution for addressing under-eye concerns. However, post-treatment care is essential for achieving the best results. This includes understanding when and how to safely apply makeup.

How long does it take for under-eye filler to settle in?

Typically, under-eye fillers take about 1 to 2 weeks to settle fully. During this time, the filler integrates with the surrounding tissue, and any swelling or bruising diminishes.

How Can I Wear Makeup after Under Eye Fillers?

When considering how to wear makeup after receiving under-eye fillers, it’s important to be mindful of both the types of products you use and the methods of application to ensure you don’t compromise the results of your treatment. Here are some key guidelines:

Water-resistant Eyeliner and Mascara

Opt for water-resistant eyeliner and mascara to minimize the risk of smudging and irritation. These products are less likely to migrate and affect the treated area.


Use a gentle, lightweight concealer to cover any residual bruising or discoloration. Apply with a soft brush or sponge to avoid putting pressure on the fillers.


Setting your makeup with a loose, translucent powder can help it stay in place without necessitating frequent touch-ups, which might disturb the filler.

Avoid Water Line Makeup

Avoid applying makeup directly on the water line post-treatment, as this can increase the risk of irritation and infection.

False Lashes

If you wish to use false lashes, choose lightweight ones and be gentle with the adhesive and removal process.

Wearing Lenses

Contact lens wearers should exercise caution when applying and removing lenses to avoid exerting pressure on the under-eye area.

What can you not do after under eye fillers?

Avoid strenuous activities, excessive heat exposure (like saunas), and touching or rubbing the treated area. It’s also advisable to avoid sleeping face down.

How many syringes do you need for under-eye filler?

The number of syringes required varies based on individual needs and desired outcomes. Typically, one syringe is sufficient, but some may need more.

How painful are under-eye fillers?

Pain is subjective, but most patients report only mild discomfort during the procedure. Topical anesthetics are often used to minimize pain.

How do you sleep with eye fillers?

Sleep with your head elevated for the first few nights to reduce swelling and prevent pressure on the treated area.

How do you reduce swelling under eyes after fillers?

Apply cold compresses (not directly on the skin) and keep your head elevated. Avoid salty foods and alcohol, as these can exacerbate swelling.

How long do fillers last under eyes?

Under-eye fillers can last anywhere from 6 months to a year, depending on the type of filler used and individual factors like metabolism and lifestyle.


Navigating the dos and don’ts after under-eye filler treatment is crucial for both safety and achieving the desired aesthetic outcome. While makeup application is possible, it should be approached with care and specific techniques to protect the sensitive treated area. Understanding the time it takes for the fillers to settle, the right types of makeup products to use, and the importance of gentle application will ensure that you can enjoy the benefits of your treatment without complications.

Additionally, being aware of activities to avoid and how to manage any post-treatment symptoms like swelling and bruising plays a significant role in the healing process. With the right care and precautions, under-eye fillers can provide a satisfying and long-lasting improvement to under-eye concerns, enhancing both your appearance and confidence. Remember, personalizing your aftercare routine in consultation with your healthcare provider is always the best approach to ensure optimal results.