How to Cover Up a Pimple: (Comprehensive Guide)

Pimples are an unwelcome yet common skin issue that many of us encounter. Whether it’s for a special event or just for day-to-day confidence, knowing how to effectively cover up a pimple can be a skin-saving skill. This article delves into the various aspects of concealing pimples, focusing on the importance of understanding skin types and conditions for the best results.

Understanding Your Skin and Pimples

Pimples, or acne, manifest in several forms – blackheads, whiteheads, or painful cysts. They are often the result of clogged pores, which can be triggered by various factors like diet, stress, hormonal changes, and environmental factors.

Preparation Before Covering Up

Before reaching for makeup, it’s crucial to clean and prepare your skin. Use a gentle cleanser to remove dirt and oil, and follow up with a light, non-comedogenic moisturizer. This preps the skin, providing a smooth canvas for makeup application.

Choosing the Right Makeup Products

Selecting suitable makeup products is key. Look for non-comedogenic concealers and foundations that won’t clog pores. When choosing shades, ensure they match your skin tone to avoid highlighting the pimple. Soft brushes or clean fingers are ideal for application, as they help in gentle and precise application.

Step-by-Step Guide to Covering a Pimple

Certainly, let’s delve into the step-by-step guide to covering a pimple in detail:

Apply Primer

  • Start with a clean, moisturized face. Use a gentle cleanser to remove dirt and oil, and follow up with a light, non-comedogenic moisturizer.
  • Primer is an essential first step as it helps create a smooth base for makeup application and ensures that makeup stays in place throughout the day.
  • Apply a small amount of primer evenly over your face. Focus on the area with the pimple, but don’t forget to prime the entire face for a cohesive look.

Color Correct (if necessary)

  • If your pimple is highly red or has a noticeable undertone, you can use a color corrector to neutralize it.
  • For red pimples, a green color corrector works well as green cancels out redness. Use a small, precise brush to apply a tiny amount of green corrector directly onto the pimple. Blend the edges gently.
  • If your pimple has a bluish undertone (common with darker skin tones), you can use a peach or orange corrector to neutralize it.


  • Choose a creamy, full-coverage concealer that matches your skin tone. Avoid shades that are too light or too dark, as this can make the pimple more noticeable.
  • Using a small concealer brush or a clean fingertip, apply a small amount of concealer directly onto the pimple. Start with a small dab and add more if needed.
  • Gently pat (do not rub) the concealer onto the pimple. Make sure to blend the edges seamlessly into the surrounding skin. Use a tapping or stippling motion for the best results.


  • Select a foundation that matches your skin tone precisely. The foundation should provide good coverage without being too heavy.
  • Apply foundation to your entire face, including the area with the concealed pimple. Use a makeup sponge, brush, or your clean fingers for this step.
  • Dab the foundation onto your skin and then blend it outwards using gentle, tapping motions. Blending is crucial for a natural and seamless finish. Pay extra attention to the area with the pimple to ensure that the concealer and foundation blend seamlessly.

Set with Powder

  • To set your makeup and prevent it from sliding or creasing, use a loose, translucent setting powder.
  • Dip a makeup brush or sponge into the powder and tap off any excess. Gently press the powder onto your entire face, concentrating on the concealed pimple.
  • Avoid heavy powder application, as it can make the makeup look cakey. A light dusting is all you need.

Final Checks

  • Examine your makeup in natural light to ensure there are no visible lines or unevenness where you concealed the pimple.
  • If necessary, touch up the concealed area with a bit more concealer and blend as needed.

Remember, the key to covering a pimple effectively is to use the right products, techniques, and to blend thoroughly. With practice, you can achieve a flawless finish that boosts your confidence while maintaining the appearance of natural, healthy skin.

Additional Tips and Tricks

  • Touch-ups might be necessary, so carry a small concealer and powder for on-the-go application.
  • Avoid heavy, oil-based makeup products as they can further clog pores.
  • At the end of the day, remove makeup thoroughly with a gentle cleanser.

Maintaining Healthy Skin

Incorporate a skincare routine suitable for acne-prone skin. This typically includes regular cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing. If acne persists, consider consulting a dermatologist for specialized advice.


Covering up a pimple effectively requires the right technique and products. While makeup can be a quick fix, focusing on long-term skin health is equally important. Embrace your natural skin and seek professional advice when necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What’s the best approach to selecting the right concealer shade?

To select the right concealer shade, aim for a close match with your natural skin tone. Avoid shades that are too light or too dark, as they can make the pimple more conspicuous. Test the concealer on your jawline for a suitable match.

Can I use regular makeup brushes for applying concealer and foundation?

You can use regular makeup brushes or even clean fingertips for the application of concealer and foundation. The key is to ensure that the tools are clean and that you use gentle dabbing or stippling motions for a seamless blend.

What is the purpose of a color corrector, and when should it be used?

A color corrector is a makeup product designed to neutralize specific skin discolorations. It can be used to counteract redness in pimples with a green corrector or bluish undertones with a peach/orange corrector. Apply it before concealer for a more even skin tone.

How can I ensure long-lasting makeup when covering a pimple?

To extend the longevity of your makeup, begin with a primer to create a smooth base. Opt for long-wear or matte foundation formulas. Seal your makeup with translucent setting powder. Carry a small concealer and powder for touch-ups during the day.

Is it safe to regularly use makeup to conceal pimples?

Using makeup occasionally to cover up pimples is generally safe. However, it’s crucial to select non-comedogenic products that won’t clog pores. Additionally, ensure thorough makeup removal at the end of the day to prevent skin issues.

Can I effectively cover a pimple that hasn’t yet come to a head?

You can cover a pimple that hasn’t yet come to a head, but be gentle during the application process. Avoid applying excessive pressure or harsh products on the pimple, as it may exacerbate the situation.

Are there natural remedies to reduce pimple redness before applying makeup?

Yes, you can try natural remedies such as applying a cold compress to temporarily reduce redness. Skincare products containing ingredients like aloe vera or chamomile, known for their anti-inflammatory properties, can also be beneficial.

Should I consult a dermatologist for persistent acne issues?

If you experience persistent acne issues, it is advisable to seek consultation with a dermatologist. They can provide personalized skincare recommendations and treatments tailored to address the underlying causes of acne.

Can I use the same makeup products to cover various types of pimples (e.g., blackheads, cystic acne)?

While you can employ similar makeup techniques, it’s important to select products and shades that match the specific type of pimple you intend to cover. For instance, concealing cystic acne may require more coverage than covering a blackhead.

Is it acceptable to wear makeup over acne medication or topical treatments?

Generally, it is safe to wear makeup over acne medication or topical treatments, but it is advisable to consult with your dermatologist. They can offer guidance on the compatibility of your skincare products with makeup.